Masks Don’t Work against Covid-19 or any other virus.
They DO damage health.
9 ways that wearing a mask can harm your health:
Masks are a political ploy. US coronavirus: Dr. Fauci cautions that a vaccine won't eliminate the need for masks and public health measures. Fauci states there is no foreseeable end to wearing masks. Even hand shakes should never return as a normal greeting.
9 ways that wearing a mask can harm your health:
1. Wearing a mask reduces blood oxygenation, especially in people over 35. Indeed, a team of researchers from the Department of Neurosurgery at Ufuk University in Ankara, Turkey reported that the longer a mask is worn the more the blood is desaturated. These researchers also assert that: “Surgeons in the operating room frequently experience physical discomfort, fatigue, and possibly even deterioration of surgical judgment and performance. Although considerable information exists about the effects of ambient environment on both mental and physical performance, the final “personal” environment for the surgeon beneath the surgical mask is often very inadequately conditioned…it is known that heat and moisture trapping occur beneath surgical masks…” ( video explaining masks:
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